Versa Point (VP)

Versa Point (VP) adalah point yang diperoleh oleh seorang member dalam melakukan action (tindakan) di SFI. Point ini berpengaruh terhadap Kedudukan (Level) member, bonus yang diterima dan kemudahan fasilitas lainnya.
VersaPoints merupakan kunci untuk memaksimalkan komisi Anda pada penjualan dan pembelian anggota TC yang anda sponsori.

Untuk menjadi anggota SFI yang berhak menerima Komisi, maka Versa Point yang harus anda kumpulkan adalah sebanyak 1.500 VP atau Level Anda berada Pada Executive Affiliate (EA). Untuk mendapatkan 1.500 VP sangat mudah sekali, anda ikuti semua tindakan yang ada di menu To-Do-List . 
 Namun bagi anda yang mempunyai uang lebih saya menyarankan untuk membeli Paket IAHBE yang ada di TripleClick.Com atau produk lain yang bernilai 1.500 VP.

Berikut Adalah Daftar Menu My To-Do-List dan jumlah Point yang didapatkan.

PENTING! Untuk menerima kredit VersaPoints dengan tanda bintang (*) dalam daftar di bawah ini, bacalah atau tinjaulah item tersebut, kemudian klik ikon VersaPoints hijau "V" terletak di sudut kanan atas Halaman Web tersebut. Kemudian akan dikreditkan kepada Anda. Setiap tindakan mempunyai nilai Versa Points yang beragam, nilai dapat dilihat pada kolom Points. Pada tindakan membaca dan meninjau artikel sebaiknya sebelum anda mengerti dan faham betul tentang materi tersebut jangan dulu beralih ke tindakan yang lainnya.
earned or
points total
this month
200 For confirming your registration 09/07/2010 200
200* For whitelisting 09/07/2010 200
100 For completing your Affiliate Profile 09/07/2010 200
50* For reviewing the "R" (Refer) Index 09/07/2010 50
50* For reviewing the "S" (Sponsor) Index 09/07/2010 50
50 For sending your SFI Commitment Message to your sponsor 09/07/2010 50
50 For entering a personal welcome message to greet the affiliates you sponsor 09/07/2010 50
50 For registering as an a2a member 09/07/2010 50
50* For reading the Getting Started FAQs 09/07/2010 50
20* For reading the "About SFI" page 09/07/2010 20
20* For reviewing the SFI Compensation Plan 09/07/2010 20
10* For reviewing the SFI Benefits Chart 09/07/2010 10
10* For reviewing the Glossary 09/07/2010 10
10* For reviewing the Global Growth Report 09/07/2010 10
30 For registering to follow SFI on Twitter --- 0
30 For uploading your photo to the Affiliate Center 09/07/2010 30
10* For checking out the Standing Order Central Information Page 09/07/2010 10
20 For reading LaunchPad #1 and correctly answering the quiz 09/07/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #2 and correctly answering the quiz 09/07/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #3 and correctly answering the quiz 09/07/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #4 and correctly answering the quiz 09/07/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #5 and correctly answering the quiz 09/07/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #6 and correctly answering the quiz 09/08/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #7 and correctly answering the quiz 09/08/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #8 and correctly answering the quiz 09/08/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #9 and correctly answering the quiz 09/08/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #10 and correctly answering the quiz 09/08/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #11 and correctly answering the quiz 09/08/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #12 and correctly answering the quiz 09/08/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #13 and correctly answering the quiz 09/09/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #14 and correctly answering the quiz 09/09/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #15 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #16 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #17 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #18 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #19 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #20 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #21 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #22 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #23 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #24 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #25 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #26 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #27 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #28 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #29 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20
20 For reading LaunchPad #30 and correctly answering the quiz 09/10/2010 20

10* For reviewing the Income Index 09/07/2010 10
10* For reviewing the Training Index 09/07/2010 10
10* For reviewing the Reference Index 09/08/2010 10
10* For reviewing the Feedback Index 09/10/2010 10
10* For reviewing the Leaderboards Index 09/09/2010 10
10* For reviewing the Power Tools Index 09/10/2010 10
10* For reviewing the My Account Index 09/07/2010 10
10* For reviewing the My Reports Index 09/08/2010 10
10* For reviewing the Ask Gery index 09/08/2010 10
100 For installing a TripleClicks banner on your personal Website or blog. 09/07/2010 100
10* For reading the article, How To Do Effective Follow-Ups 09/07/2010 10
10* For reading the article, Quality (Not Quantity) And The Power Of Duplication 09/07/2010 10
10* For reading the article, Your Role In SFI - Being A Sponsor: What It Means 09/09/2010 10
10* For reading the article, Why you should start your own Co-op 09/10/2010 10
10* For reading the article, Boosting Upgrades With Gift Certificates 09/10/2010 10
10* For reading the article, Where to advertise for good results 09/10/2010 10
10* For reading the article, How to write business-building e-mails 09/10/2010 10
10* For reading the article, What's better...affiliate sponsoring or customer referrals? 09/08/2010 10
10* For reading the article, SFI International Affiliate Resources 09/08/2010 10

100 For being a TC Booster Club member (pts. awarded upon monthly purchase) 0 0
100 For subscribing to the Deal Of The Day e-mail --- 0
200 For setting up a Standing Order of 1,500 VP or more --- 0
Varies For TripleClicks sales and purchases (in last 90 days)
Note: A max. of 2000 points can be used towards Team Leader qualification.
Tip: You can earn 1,500 VP each month, while getting exclusive access to valuable business-building resources, with an IAHBE membership!
--- 0

10 For each personally sponsored affiliate (In last 90 days w/ min. 600 pts.) 30 30
100 For each personally sponsored EA --- 0
150 For each personally sponsored Bronze Team Leader --- 0
200 For each personally sponsored Silver Team Leader --- 0
250 For each personally sponsored Gold Team Leader --- 0
300 For each personally sponsored Platinum Team Leader --- 0
5 For each affiliate you reassign to a team member --- 0
30 For sending support messages to your PSAs (Max 30 points/week) 30 30
100 For setting up an advertising co-op for your team --- 0

2 For checking your SFI Alerts Page (2 points per day, for last 90 days max.) 10 10
2 For visiting your SFI Homepage (2 points per day, for last 90 days max.) 10 10
2 For checking out the latest items at TripleClicks you can buy and sell (2 points per day, for last 90 days max.) --- 0

100 For activating or re-activating your EyeEarn account
NOTE: Your initial purchase of an EyeEarn Starter Kit also earns you 240 points! Points for activation/reactivation are reset to zero at the beginning of each month. You can reclaim your 100 points by the end of the month by reactivating.
--- 0

* To receive credit for these points, read or review the item, then click the VersaPoints icon located in the top right corner of the page.
+ These points were awarded to you in a previous month and are included in your cumulative VersaPoints total-to-date.

Sangat mudah sekali mencapai VP 1.500 kalu anda benar-benar mau serius.

Catatan : Dahulukan Item yang berisi Artikel dan Item yang ada di Getting Started Action dan Intermediate Action. Setelah Semua item yang ada pada dua kelompok tersebut sudah selesai dilaksanakan baru kita akan melaksanakan Training LaunchPad.

LaunchPad ini akan membutuhkan waktu 30 hari secara umum, namun apabila anda mampu menyelesaikan dalam waktu yang singkat pun tidak apa-apa asalkan materi yang disampaikan dalam pelatihan LaunchPad ini sudah anda kuasai benar-benar. 

Paket Pelatihan LaunchPad ini bernilai total 600 VP, Anda bisa mencapai Executive Affiliate (EA) setelah semua item Getting Started Action dan Internediate Action serta LaunchPad sudah anda laksanakan. 

Untuk Lebih jelasnya mengenai LaunchPad, Klik DISINI atau pergi ke Tab LaunchPad.