Sunday, 12 September 2010

For completing your Affiliate Profile

Melengkapi Profile Afiliasi

Langkah ini bernilai 100 VP

Catatan : Informasi Anda dijaga 100% kerahasiannya. SFI tidak berbagi informasi SFI afiliasi dengan pihak ketiga siapapun. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Kebijakan Privasi kami, klik di sini. Jika Anda ingin berbagi informasi profil Anda dengan Sponsor SFI Anda dan / atau anggota upline yang lain, pilih orang-orang pilihan pada dua pertanyaan terakhir dari survei ini.

(Profile yang harus diisi minimal 20 item dan waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengisi profile tersebut hanya 45 menit, Sebagai contoh anda dapat mengisi Profile seperti di bawah ini) 

1. How did you learn about SFI? 1a. If you answered "other," please specify:
2. Your NUMBER ONE reason for starting your SFI business:
2a. If you answered "other," please specify:
3. Have you ever been in business for yourself before? Yes No
3a. If yes, what kind of business?
4. Do you own a physical (brick-and-mortar) store or restaurant? Yes No
5. Prior to SFI, have you ever been involved in a network marketing business? Yes No
5a. If yes, how many years of network marketing experience do you have?
6. Do you currently operate another business besides SFI? Yes No
6a. If yes, what kind of business?
7. If applicable, select the marketing methods you have previous experience with: Select all that apply
Internet marketing (e-mail, Websites, etc.)
Print media (periodical/magazine ads, card decks, etc.)
Direct mail
"Warm marketing" (friends, family, co-workers, etc.)
"Power Retailing" (extensive retailing beyond warm market)
One-on-one local recruiting
Opportunity meetings (group presentations)
Telemarketing (phone prospecting and sales)
7a. If you answered "other," please specify the marketing method(s) you have had experience with.
8. Have you ever been in a leadership position with any organization (e.g. church, school, civic, etc.)? Yes No
9. Number of hours you intend to devote to SFI each week:
10. Number of affiliates you think you can personally recruit/sponsor each month:
11. At this moment, what is the thing you feel you need most to make your SFI business successful?
11a. If you answered "other," please specify:
Limit your answer to 200 characters or less.
12. Which of the following marketing methods are you using or plan to use to build your SFI business? Select all that apply

Internet marketing (e-mail, Websites, etc.)
Print media (periodical/magazine ads, card decks, etc.)
Direct mail
"Warm marketing" (friends, family, co-workers, etc.)
"Power Retailing" (extensive retailing beyond warm market)
One-on-one local recruiting
Opportunity meetings (group presentations)
Telemarketing (phone prospecting and sales)
12a. If you answered "other," please specify the marketing method(s) you're using/plan to use:
Limit your answer to 200 characters or less.
13. How comfortable would you be starting up a conversation with a stranger about the SFI opportunity or products?
14. Do you have places in your area where you could post flyers about SFI or SFI products? Yes No
15. Which part of the SFI program is most appealing to you?
16. Which part of the SFI program is least appealing to you?
17. Amount per month you can invest in advertising your business:
18. Do you have your own domain? (e.g. www.Sulastri Yes No
19a. If yes, what is the name of your domain?
19. Do you have your own personal or business Website? (non-SFI site) Yes No
20a. If yes, what is the URL of your Website?
20. Number of times you've communicated with your SFI Sponsor, Turya ,
21. At this time, how would you rate your SFI Sponsor?
22. What would you most want your SFI Sponsor to know about you?
23. Besides your sponsor, have you communicated with anyone else in your upline? Yes No
24. At this time, how would you rate your upline members (not including your sponsor)?

25. Your biggest strength:
26. Amount I want to earn with SFI each month: ...after 6 months in business: $ a month
...after 12 months in business: $ a month
...after 2 years in business: $ a month
...after 5 years in business: $ a month
27. Do I intend to keep my SFI business a part-time endeavor? Yes No. I plan to make it a full-time endeavor eventually.
If you answered "No" what date do you hope to go full-time with SFI
28. If I had unlimited wealth... ...I would drive a (type of vehicle)

...I would spend most of my time

...I would build

...I would own a home in
29. My SFI Power Rank Goals ...For my overall Power Rank, my goal is to make the top

...For my Country Power Rank, my goal is to make the top

...For my Class Power Rank, my goal is to make the top
30. By learning more about you, your SFI Sponsor can do a better job providing you with the support and assistance you need. Would you like us to share your profile information with your Sponsor, Turya ,? Yes No
31. Your profile responses may also help other members of your upline provide you with better support and assistance. Would you like us to share your profile information with your upline? Yes No

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